“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

Peter F. Drucker, author and educator

A three-step process for compliance

Having clean, easy to understand emergency floor plans are essential for the safety of your students and staff. Over the past twenty years, our team has been working with schools across the country to create these emergency evacuation maps. From our experience and past work, we have developed a simple three-step process to take your project from start to finish quickly and efficiently.

Download Our Complete PDF on Process and Pricing

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You: Provide Us With a CAD or Similar File of the Building

Nimble Creative will use this to create the initial floor plan for the following steps.

Nimble Creative will send new files back for review.

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Identify All Necessary Icons

Nimble Creative will supply you with a legend and directions to clearly designate and indicate the location of all icons.

Scan and email your file(s) back to Nimble Creative.

Nimble Creative will send new files back for review.

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Create Evacuation Routes

There are three options for determining evacuation routes that we will discuss with you.

Once we determine the routes, Nimble Creative will add them to the map for every individual room.

Nimble Creative will send new files back for review.

Identify any and all errors at this time, before finalizing and printing.


Contact us for more comprehensive information, including pricing.