“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.”
Alfie Kohn
Clean Design, Clear Direction
All emergency floor plans require a primary and secondary evacuation route that are straightforward and easy to follow. In addition, clearly marked building exits, fire extinguishers, gas, water, and electrical shut-off valves, and alarm panel locations are all critical for good evacuation and emergency map design. To make sure your evacuation maps meet compliance and are easy to follow we use a team of visual designers to create site plans.
Our team of talented and detail-oriented visual designers ensures that your maps are clean and easy to understand at a glance.

“Secure Education Consultants (SEC) has been in business since 2012 serving clients across the US and Internationally. SEC is made up primarily of former US Secret Service Agents with hundreds of years of experience in emergency preparedness. Since early in our history SEC has worked closely with the professionals at Nimble Creative. We have found their services to be second to none and their attention to detail remarkable. We pride our reputation for going above and beyond for out clients and Nimble Creative has proven time and time again they will do whatever it takes to complete their work at the highest level. SEC highly recommends Nimble Creative!”
Jason Russell, Founder/President of Secure Education Consultants